Apartment Therapy Weekend Projects is a guided program designed to help you get the happy, healthy home you’ve always wanted, one weekend at a time.

We have one more big night coming up and one more merciful holiday before all the festivities are behind us and the chorus of “ I cannot even believe it’s 2020 ” starts. Don’t worry; we are not going to to do any kind of crazy cleaning blitz, or much of anything, really, on this weekend that should be all about rest and relaxation.

Instead, we’re going to do something that, from the comfort of our nest on the couch, will give us a head start on the January vibe that always seems to come out of nowhere—the “I must get my house in order” bug.

This Weekend: Make a list of your home cleaning and decluttering goals.

By making a big list of all the things you want to accomplish at home in the new year, you’re getting those things out of your head and onto paper and that much closer to becoming actualized. Armed with a personalized list of what you want to do in your particular household, you’re poised to ride the wave that’s coming.

Structure your list around the areas you want to address and then drill down deeper and deeper where applicable in each area. For instance, you may have a master closet list. Declutter might top the list and include sub-categories like formal wear, shoes, handbags, etc. You may also include other to-dos for your closet, such as decide on and buy matching hangers, find a solution for jewelry storage, hang the full-length mirror, install built-ins, and more.

Other areas you may put on your list might include your entryway, the bathroom, the kitchen (with subcategories like fridge, pantry, cabinets, etc.), and the garage.

Once you’ve made your comprehensive master list, consider which items are a priority and highlight, underline, or star them. Earmarked for January, you can cross those off first and build your momentum for the rest of the year.

Then, some bad news and some good news…

The bad news: That’s it for Weekend Projects this year! We’ll pick back up in February with more one-week-at-a-time tasks. The good news: The January Cure is right around the corner! And the really, really good news is that by making a list of the things you want to work on around your space, you’re already ahead of the game.

If you’d like to join the January Cure while the Weekend Projects series takes a one-month hiatus, just enter your email in the sign-up form below, and get ready to kick things off with us on January 6.

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