Name: Becky England , my husband, three teenagers, and three dogs Location: Nashville Tennessee Type of home: House Size: 1900 square feet Years lived in: 7 years, owned

Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: If I had to describe our home, I guess I would say that it’s full of personality, color, fun, plants, velvet, and vintage pieces! We love to entertain in our home — everything from game nights, dance parties, potluck meals, hanging out in our crazy ’70s styled garage/lounge room, to sharing stories, drinks, and laughs with our friends in our backyard.

I like the idea of our home expressing who we are as a family. It’s a little quirky, bold, and colorful. Our home is full of life with plants everywhere and pieces that have their own stories. And I love how most people that walk in for the first time can’t help but smile and feel at ease.

Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Mid-century, plant-filled, colorful, bold, expressive

What is your favorite room and why? That’s a tough question. I love our ’70s-inspired lounge garage space. That big orange, velvet sectional is one of my favorite finds. Then, I lucked up on that dreamy red sofa from Facebook Marketplace and the panther coffee table. The space began to feel like it almost needed to be a ’70s lounge. ha! Add in the fire-colored vintage flame stitch love seat, the red rug, and you’ve got yourself the perfect place to hang out with all your friends!

What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home? Probably our dining room chairs. They were a vintage find also and needed lots of cleaning and love before I could even bring them into the house!

Any advice for creating a home you love? I don’t have any great advice. I would just suggest to go for what you love and what makes you feel good! It’s the place where you should be able to recharge, get comfortable, and be yourself.

This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.

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