Name: Laura Bradford , partner, and cat, Rodney Location: Brighton, United Kingdom Type of home: Apartment Size: 875 square feet Years lived in: 1 year, renting

Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: After having lived in a studio flat after my divorce with the contents of a two-bedroom house, I was desperately looking for somewhere with more space. It was the high ceilings and the bay window [of this apartment] that won me over. In my last flat I was lucky in that my landlord let me paint, but I knew I wouldn’t be as lucky this time around so I started thinking up clever ways to put my stamp on the place without changing anything permanently. I also work within a 15-minute stroll so the location couldn’t be any better, 10-minute walk to the beach, too!

I’m definitely a maximalist. Less is absolutely a bore to me. I run an interiors account on Instagram under the name @lessisboreinteriors where I share upcycling projects and different rental hacks I have used in my own property. Anyone else who’s lived in a rental knows what an oppressive magnolia prison they can be. As someone who loves color and bold prints, I really have to get creative and think outside the box. I only really started posting regularly to my Instagram page when lockdown started and I’m amazed at what a great little community it is. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive.

Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: An eclectic maximalist upcycled jungle

What is your favorite room and why? The living room, as I love the amount of light I get from the bay windows. It also houses my favorite gallery wall, with awesome prints I have collected over the years and some new ones I have discovered since being on Instagram.

What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home? I just found a glorious piece of wicker furniture that someone had left by the bins. I’m going to use it as plant stand in my bedroom. People throw the best stuff away in Brighton!

Any advice for creating a home you love? Don’t be afraid to try things! Get some vinyl to cover those tiles you hate. Paint your furniture a bold color — at the end of the day, it’s only paint and you can always go over it again. Don’t worry about doing things to a place that you don’t own. If you find cheap ways to update it then you can feel like it’s your home and you’re not spending for nothing.

This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.

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