Name: Shruti Chopra and my husband, Madhukar Location: Downtown Toronto, Canada Type of home: Condo Size: 1000 square feet Years lived in: 3 months, owned

Tell us a little (or a lot) about your home and the people who live there: We bought this place just a few months ago and fell in love with the clean lines, split bedroom layout, and a large kitchen. This place has two huge balconies with a lake view and that was way more than we could have asked for in downtown Toronto. We wanted our home to be a reflection of who we are and while my style is bold and dramatic, my husband prefers a calm and relaxed space. We have tried to balance both our sensibilities with this home. Our living room is dark and dramatic with pops of color, but rest of the house follows a serene vibe. The pandemic also forced us to design designated workspace for both of us and we placed a Murphy bed in the guest bedroom so that it can double as our home office.

Our home definitely reflects who we are, each and everything in the house is of significance to us and has some history associated with it. The house is adorned with several art pieces that we collected from all over the world over the years. We are both big animal lovers and have several animal pieces spread throughout the house (like a dog lamp, zebra painting, and so on) and all of these animals have names.

Describe your home’s style in 5 words or less: Modern, Glam, Moody

What is your favorite room and why? My favorite room is definitely our living room, and we spend most of our evenings and weekends hanging in this space. It is a multifunctional space and doubles up as our entertainment room, bar, and dining. The open layout keeps the conversation flowing. The mood is very cozy and café like and we love relaxing here next to the fireplace with a cup of coffee.

What’s the last thing you bought (or found!) for your home? A white ceramic elephant that sits on our entryway. A white elephant is considered auspicious in Indian culture and I fell in love with its quirky long legs.

Any advice for creating a home you love? Do not get too caught in the dos and don’ts of interior design. It is your space, make it work for you. If you want a yellow sofa with a pink chair, then go for it. Also learn to use technology while designing, use apps to layout your furniture, explore color combinations. Read, research, and get inspired.

This submission’s responses and photos were edited for length/size and clarity.

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