If you love kitchen design like we do, you’re always on the lookout for what’s next, and the beginning of the year seemed like a perfect time to take stock of some of the biggest and most exciting trends in kitchen design. Here are five styles that will define the look of the kitchen in 2017.

Moody + Minimal

The look: dark, muted colors , sleek modern cabinets, gold and brass accents to liven things up and add a little glow.

New Bohemian

Start with a modern kitchen and add colorful tiles, warm woods, and antique pieces. This style bucks a lot of convention, but makes up for it by being endlessly interesting and cool.

Old Meets New

The building blocks (Shaker cabinets, vintage-style appliances) are very traditional, but the overall effect is light and modern, thanks to light colors and minimal styling.

Studies in Contrast

Contrast is the new black. Sometimes pairing things that don’t quite go together, like stainless cabinets and bright kelly green, or a modern kitchen and a worn old antique work table, results in unexpected beauty.

The New Country Kitchen

This one draws from elements of the Bohemian and old-meets-new kitchens, but creates something a little different: a lovely, layered look that has a country feel but with modern flair.

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